Citizens for East Avenue Bike Lanes is a coalition of organization and individuals working together to advocate that the planned resurfacing of SR-96 (East Avenue) provide for correctly-demarcated bike lanes.
The key issue is persuading the New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) to design a 10-foot center turn lane in the new project, making room for 5-foot bike lanes at the shoulders. Currently the roadway is 40 feet wide and has four (4) 10-foot travel lanes. The plan of record would specify 10-foot travel lanes, but an 11-foot center turn lane, leaving only a 4.5-foot shoulder on the side. Federal regulations require a 5-foot-wide right of way for bicycle lanes with the familiar logo stenciled into the roadway.
Recent studies show that our proposal would be safer, not only for bicyclists, but also for motorists. We believe we are proposing a “win-win” for all users of the roadway.
We have been working with public officials in the area, including Assembly Majority Leader Joe Morelle, State Senator (and Chair of the Transportation Committee) Joe Robach, Brighton Town Councilmember Robin Wilt, Brighton Town Supervisor Bill Moehle, Pittsford Town Councilmember Stephanie Townsend, and Pittsford Town Supervisor Bill Smith.
Sponsoring organizations include:
Rochester People’s Climate Change Coalition