The next stage in our fight for bike lanes on East Avenue will occur at the local municipality level. Pittsford Town Supervisor Bill Smith has asked his Town Attorney to draft a resolution requesting that NYS DOT use Monroe County guidelines for the project and reduce the width of the center turn lane from 11 feet to 10 feet, making room for 5-foot bicycle lanes.
The entire project area is contained within the Towns of Pittsford and Brighton, so if both Towns pass resolutions authorizing NYS DOT to use the Monroe County standard, NYS DOT will no longer be able to cite their highway design guide in refusing to design for 5-foot bike lanes.
Next Steps – Mark Your Calendar
Tuesday, March 6 at 9:00am: The Public Works Committee for Brighton will meet at Brighton Town Hall (2300 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618). A letter will be presented to the committee in support of passing a resolution.
Tuesday, March 6 at 6:00pm: The Pittsford Town Board will meet at Pittsford Town Hall (11 S Main St, Pittsford, NY 14534). We are hoping to use the public comments period to thank Supervisor Smith for his leadership on the issue and see if the Board has any progress updates.
Wednesday, March 14 at 7:00pm: The Brighton Town Board will meet at Brighton Town Hall (2300 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618). Environmentalists take note: One of the main agenda items expected at this meeting would be passage of the enabling legislation for Community Choice Aggregation, so a resolution in support of bike lanes on East Avenue would be apropos for this meeting.